Pierre Coric
Pierre Coric (1994, Liège, Belgium). Through a multiform practice mixing d.i.y. technologies, crafts, and audience participation, he investigates the processes through which meaningless elements sometimes become meaningful ensembles as well as the borders and the ties between these fluctuating states. Pierre finds his inspiration in various fields such as languages, computer sciences, electronics, textile, rivers, highways, forests, boats, bacteria, …
Pierre Coric (1994, Luik, België). Vanuit een pluriforme praktijk van d.i.y. technologieën, ambachten en publieksparticipatie onderzoekt Coric de processen waardoor betekenisloze elementen soms zinvolle ensembles worden, evenals de grenzen en de banden tussen deze fluctuerende staten. Pierre vindt zijn inspiratie in verschillende domeinen zoals talen, computerwetenschappen, elektronica, textiel, rivieren, snelwegen, bossen, boten, bacteriën, …