Scenography Archive Werktank

Fleur Roggeman, 2021

Concept & realisation: Fleur Roggeman

Production: Werktank, with the support of KU[N]ST Leuven

This scenography was realised within the exhibition ‘Out of Orbit’, organised by Werktank as a part of Fringe, KNAL! – city festival.

Pollution in the atmosphere shows us a different perspective of reality, it diffuses light. With a selection of Werktank’s archive Fleur Roggeman shows a scenographic piece where pollution is translated to the plastic sheets that is literally shown in space. The video archive fades more and more away due to distance and plastic.

The travel distance and angles of light are a fascinating aspect to her. How we preserve the world by how light touches our surroundings. If we manipulate light, we manipulate how we see. We shape a different image of the world. So with that in mind we can ask ourselves: what is reality?